Summer Health for the Heart & Small Intestine

The pair of organs associated with the Summer in Chinese Medicine are the Heart and Small Intestine and the element is Fire. The Heart (yin organ) is the ‘supreme monarch’ and is supported by three other organs associated with Fire: the Pericardium, the Small Intestine, and the Triple Heater, (with the Small Intestine being the…

Get Grounded Yin on EkhartYoga – new online class

My sixth class with EkhartYoga has been released. Muladhara – the Root Chakra – is associated with our basic needs of survival, security and safety and defines our sense of self. In this class I guide you through a grounding Root Chakra Yin practice to help you return to your place of inner knowing and…

Spring Yin & Yang Organs

The pair of organs associated with the Spring (Wood) season are the Liver and Gallbladder. The Liver (yin) is the body’s main organ of detoxification and is very important in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), being described as ‘the General’. Energetically the Liver is in charge of the smooth flow of Qi (energy) through the body,…


JOYFUL & OPEN: A YIN & YOGA NIDRA WORSHOP Saturday 19th October 2019 | 2.00pm to 5.00pm | £35 / £30 concession Venue: Yoga Point, Brixton A portion of the proceeds from this workshop will be donated to local charity Brixton Soup Kitchen. Starting with this Autumn Yin & Yoga Nidra workshop I will be…

NOURISH – Late Summer Health for the Stomach & Spleen

The pair of organs associated with the Late Summer in TCM are the digestive organs of the Stomach and Spleen and the element is Earth. Earth represents nourishment (both physical and emotional), grounding and abundance. In functional terms the Stomach (yang organ) is responsible for receiving and breaking down food while the Spleen (yin organ)…

Joyful & Open: A Late Autumn Yin & Yoga Nidra Workshop

Saturday 10 November | 2.00pm to 4.00pm | £25 Join me for this upcoming seasonal workshop at Embody Wellness in Vauxhall. In Chinese Medicine there are Five Elements that are central to nature’s cycles and are reflected in the cycles of our bodies. They are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, and each element is connected…

Winter Yin Yoga: Saddle Pose

In this short video filmed at Embody Wellness in Vauxhall I am showing you Saddle Pose. On an energetic level this yin posture stimulates the Kidney and Urinary Bladder meridians – associated with the Winter season – and also the Spleen and Stomach lines. Here I’m using a bolster propped up on two blocks to…

Yin Yoga: Square Pose

    {WATCH} Yin Yoga – Square Pose. In this short video, filmed at Evolve Wellness Centre in South Kensington, I show you a couple of propping options to try when practising Square Pose. In this deep hip opening pose, typically, a sensation of intensity / deep stretch is felt around the hips, glutes and…

Wall Yin: Squat

{WATCH} In this short video filmed at Evolve Wellness Centre in South Kensington I show you how to do a yin Wall Squat. This is one of my favourites for stretching the hips and easing lower back tightness. If sitting in a squat feels tricky for you, give this version a try. – Start by…

Yin Yoga for the Spring Season

Yin Yoga – Wednesdays 6-7.15pm at Evolve Wellness Centre As well as Monday 9.30am Yoga Flow, I am now teaching a Wednesday evening Yin class at Evolve in South Kensington. In class we’ve been practising yin poses to stimulate the liver and gallbladder meridians. In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) these meridians are connected to the…

How to do Supported Swan Pose – Yin Yoga

  In this video filmed at Embody Wellness, I show you my favourite variation of Swan Pose to teach (and in my own practice to do post-run or after a lot of sitting). Swan is a deep hip opener with strong external rotation of the front hip, as well as a good stretch for the…