Yoga for Cyclists
Why Reclined Pigeon Rocks
By Paula |
Reclined Pigeon pose – also known as Eye of the Needle – is a fantastic post-run and cycling stretch and also a great Pigeon variation that is kinder on the knees than the more traditional version of Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana). As well as particularly targeting the hips, glutes and lower back this is…
How To Ease Tired Legs, Boost Your Mood & More in Just 5 Minutes!
By Paula |
VIDEO: I call this pose my ‘5-Minute Rescue’ – click here to watch. Legs Up The Wall (or Viparita Karani) is one of my favourite Restorative Yoga poses because it has multiple benefits including easing tired legs, reducing stress (helps boost your mood!), fatigue, insomnia and more! In this short video, filmed recently at evolve,…