Sweat Neurosis

Things I Never Expected from Yoga – No.6…

That the Heat would teach me about Accepting the Things you Can’t Control… Early in my Bikram practice I was obsessed with the heat.  Constantly. “OH MY GOD!  How hot is it?!”  “Is the teacher going to open the door and let some air in???  Why aren’t they opening the door yet?!” “@*#!  Is the…

More Anxious than an Anxious Thing

I have been feeling a lot more anxious than usual lately.  It’s a combination of ‘stuff’, but I’m pretty certain this is mostly down to one specific thing: In less than a week I leave the place I have worked for almost ten years.  Yep. Hello Freelancing and Goodbye Regular Salary.  I know this is…

Chakra-ising the Asana with Stewart

I think I’ve met a True Yogi. At the weekend I had the great privilege of attending a workshop led by Stewart Gilchrist at my yoga home. During a two and a half hour class titled ‘Chakra-ise the Asana’  Stewart taught us about the chakras (our wheels or nerve centres of power) in relation to…