Hot Yoga

Things I Never Expected from Yoga – No.6…

That the Heat would teach me about Accepting the Things you Can’t Control… Early in my Bikram practice I was obsessed with the heat.  Constantly. “OH MY GOD!  How hot is it?!”  “Is the teacher going to open the door and let some air in???  Why aren’t they opening the door yet?!” “@*#!  Is the…

More Anxious than an Anxious Thing

I have been feeling a lot more anxious than usual lately.  It’s a combination of ‘stuff’, but I’m pretty certain this is mostly down to one specific thing: In less than a week I leave the place I have worked for almost ten years.  Yep. Hello Freelancing and Goodbye Regular Salary.  I know this is…

What is a ‘Yoga Body’?

I was recently chatting to someone I don’t know very well.  Through our conversation they found out I practise yoga.  Their response: “Really?  But you don’t have a ‘yoga body’.  I mean, people who are into yoga are usually kind of… thin.” Woah. Some people really don’t think about the impact their words can have.  …

Leela Time

‘Leela’ means ‘play’ in Sanskrit. I learned this at my yoga home because that’s the name of the style of Hot Yoga which is taught there.  ‘Leela’ is something that Stewart Gilchrist also touched on during his  workshop with us last month. At the weekend, we had some spontaneous ‘Leela Time’ when one of my…

Things I Never Expected from Yoga – No.2…

Sweat Neurosis There was an ad I saw on London Underground years ago for a women’s anti-perspirant with the caption: ”Women don’t sweat, they glow…  I glow buckets”.  For anyone who may have seen the spoof disaster movie, ‘Airplane’ the easiest way I can describe it is that it’s like Ted Striker – the ex-pilot…