
NEW! Join me on Substack

I’m on Substack! In March this year I moved my newsletter over from Mailchimp to Substack. If you’re currently subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll already have been regularly hearing from me at Slow Living in the Big City on Substack. Why move to a new newsletter platform? Being on Substack allows me to offer you…

Loving Kindness Meditation – Cultivating Compassion for Self and Others

What is Loving Kindness Meditation? Metta Bhavana is the original name of this practice originating from the Buddhist tradition, which can be practised by anyone regardless of religious affiliation. Metta means (non-romantic) ‘love’, kindness, or friendliness: hence ‘Loving Kindness’ for short. Bhavana means ‘development’ or ‘cultivation’. Research shows that Loving Kindness meditation has numerous benefits from reducing…

Before I die I want to….

“It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and forget what really matters to you…. Two of the most valuable things we have are time and our relationships with other people.” – Candy Chang If you haven’t already seen it, (or maybe even if you already have!) check out this life-affirming video of artist…

BKS Iyengar Interview

I recently heard about the ‘Take Back Yoga’ movement started by the Hindu American Foundation, so I was really interested to read what BKS Iyengar had to say on the issue: “Yoga is an Indian heritage, not a Hindu property.  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, which forms the basis of the system, addresses all humanity not just…

The Story of Yoga

The Story of Yoga Just wanted to share this little 5 minute film I came across on twitter (Thanks to @Yogaholics)