Yoga props


Savasana for 20 minutes. Every day. For 1 month. If I suggested that you put your lengthy to-do list to one side and lie down for twenty minutes right now, what would your response be? This September marks 5 years since I embarked on my #365Savasana Project (which I wrote about at the time for…

Yin Yoga: Square Pose

    {WATCH} Yin Yoga – Square Pose. In this short video, filmed at Evolve Wellness Centre in South Kensington, I show you a couple of propping options to try when practising Square Pose. In this deep hip opening pose, typically, a sensation of intensity / deep stretch is felt around the hips, glutes and…

Yin Yoga: Dragonfly Pose

{WATCH} In this short video filmed at Embody Wellness I show you a few propping options and suggestions for Dragonfly pose. Yin yoga provides us with the opportunity to let go of striving so bear in mind that we are not striving for an end goal of uber-flexibility. Instead, aim for the variation of the…

Supported Bridge into Supported Shoulderstand

This is one of the restorative poses we regularly practice during the second half of SLOW FLOW YOGA – Mondays 6.30-7.30pm reCentre Health in Balham. In this short video filmed at reCentre I show you how to do this restorative inversion with the aid of a bolster and a yoga belt. Here, the sacrum (directly below…