
Winter Yin Yoga: Saddle Pose

In this short video filmed at Embody Wellness in Vauxhall I am showing you Saddle Pose. On an energetic level this yin posture stimulates the Kidney and Urinary Bladder meridians – associated with the Winter season – and also the Spleen and Stomach lines. Here I’m using a bolster propped up on two blocks to…

Warming Yin Season Tea

Try this simple homemade spiced tea. Now that we are very much into the yin time of year I’ve been craving warming food and drink. I have been really enjoying this warming tea that is so simple to make. If you’d like to give it a try for yourself here is the recipe: 4-5 cardamon…

A Solstice Meditation for You

Simple Solstice Meditation for You Visoka va Jyotismati – Sutra 1.36 Visoka – blissful va – or jyotismati – the supreme light This month in the Northern Hemisphere is the Winter Solstice (Wednesday 21st December) – the shortest day and longest night of the year. In many ways 2016 has been a tumultuous year around the…

Creamy Banana Buckwheat Porridge

As the Winter sets in there are few things better than a warming bowl of porridge. If you’re a fan of porridge too, then you’ve no doubt tried all sorts of combinations to boost your porridge bowl. One of my current favourite things is to stir in some coconut oil for extra richness and a…