Urban Lucy

Why Reclined Pigeon Rocks

Reclined Pigeon pose – also known as Eye of the Needle – is a fantastic post-run and cycling stretch and also a great Pigeon variation that is kinder on the knees than the more traditional version of Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana). As well as particularly targeting the hips, glutes and lower back this is…

5 Reasons to Go on a Yoga Retreat

Originally published on Urban Lucy‘s Urban Blog. Despite practising yoga for a decade I didn’t go on my first yoga retreat until 2011. One of my very first thoughts once I was there was “What took me so long?!” The retreat I’d chosen was a weekend break in the UK, yet it was just enough…

Tis the season to be…stressed?

Originally published on the Urban Blog at Urban Lucy. There’s something about the run up to Christmas that can send even the most easy going person’s stress levels soaring. If I suggested that you put your lengthy to-do list to one side and lie down for twenty minutes right now, what would your response be?…

Relax & Restore for the New Year

How was your Christmas? I hope it was good for you. Maybe you’re still enjoying some time off in the run-up to the new year, or maybe you’ve already headed straight back to work after having just Christmas Day off. Either way, it’s easy to feel a bit of a slump at this time –…

Christmas Comes Early! Exclusive 15% OFF at UrbanLucy.Com

Enjoy 15% OFF yoga and active wear from 1-20th December at Urban Lucy with this exclusive code – see left. (Note – this offer excludes ‘Sale’ items.) The fab Urban Lucy is a growing online yoga and active wear website for fitness focussed, fashion savvy women. From comfortable yoga pants and accessories to running leggings…