
Short and Sweet Restorative

Would you like a short and sweet restorative yoga practice? Look no further. In this Wall Restorative class with EkhartYoga I offer you 23 minutes of calm with some inverted postures to restore you at any time of the day, though this can be especially satisfying at the end of a long day or after…
Screenshot of Paula Hines teaching Soothing Savasana class on EkkartYoga (copyrighted)

Soothing Savasana for Deep Rest

Soothing your nervous system while resting deeply. “Learning to rest. to let go of the lure of constant busyness takes practice” – quote from my book, Rest + Calm This is an invitation to bring some physical rest into your day. In this practice I show you how to set yourself up in a supported restorative…

Restoring Flow

Restoring yoga to soothe your nervous system Have you tried my Restoring Flow class on EkhartYoga? Join me for a relaxing, flowing, low to the ground practice with a couple of supported postures included for good measure. This is perfect for when you want to slow down but still crave a little bit of movement.…

NEW! Join me on Substack

I’m on Substack! In March this year I moved my newsletter over from Mailchimp to Substack. If you’re currently subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll already have been regularly hearing from me at Slow Living in the Big City on Substack. Why move to a new newsletter platform? Being on Substack allows me to offer you…

Summer Health for the Heart & Small Intestine

The pair of organs associated with the Summer in Chinese Medicine are the Heart and Small Intestine and the element is Fire. The Heart (yin organ) is the ‘supreme monarch’ and is supported by three other organs associated with Fire: the Pericardium, the Small Intestine, and the Triple Heater, (with the Small Intestine being the…

Get Grounded Yin on EkhartYoga – new online class

My sixth class with EkhartYoga has been released. Muladhara – the Root Chakra – is associated with our basic needs of survival, security and safety and defines our sense of self. In this class I guide you through a grounding Root Chakra Yin practice to help you return to your place of inner knowing and…

The Rest Sessions: Be Restored

Sunday 22nd May 2-4pm at Embody Wellness, Vauxhall “The clue is in the name – RESTorative yoga is excellent for facilitating proper rest and relaxation in both body and mind. Restorative yoga is a receptive practice where you are supported and held – how many of us could deeply benefit from more of that?”  (excerpt…

Rest + Calm Book: IG Live with Tracee Stanley & Paula Hines

My new book Rest + Calm: Gentle yoga and mindful practices to nurture and restore yourself (Green Tree, Bloomsbury) is being published in the USA on 3rd May 2022. To celebrate its US publication please join Tracee Stanley (author of Radiant Rest) and I for an Instagram Live on Monday 2nd May at 9am MDT/11am EST…

Restore Yourself on EkhartYoga – new online class

My fifth class with EkhartYoga has been released. Release tension and stress in both your body and mind as you enjoy the experience of allowing your body to be completely supported by your props. This class is a nurturing restorative practice, ideal for when you are in need of some restoration. To practice with me at…

The Rest Sessions: A Rest + Calm Mini-Retreat

(Photo copyright Henry Hunt/Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) Saturday 23rd April 2-4.15 pm at Yoga on the Lane in Dalston Join me for an afternoon of contemplative practices designed to help bring you back home to yourself. Grounded in restorative yoga, and including meditation, guided relaxation and (optional) journaling, The Rest Sessions are a culmination of my…

Spring Yin & Yang Organs

The pair of organs associated with the Spring (Wood) season are the Liver and Gallbladder. The Liver (yin) is the body’s main organ of detoxification and is very important in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), being described as ‘the General’. Energetically the Liver is in charge of the smooth flow of Qi (energy) through the body,…

Rest + Calm is here

The nurturing, practical guide to finding rest and calm – even when it feels impossible “This gem of a book is a guide to powerful practices for rest, reflection, self-care and the tending of community. The insight it contains is not a luxury, but a physical, emotional and spiritual imperative.” – Bo Forbes, Psy.D., psychologist,…


Savasana for 20 minutes. Every day. For 1 month. If I suggested that you put your lengthy to-do list to one side and lie down for twenty minutes right now, what would your response be? This September marks 5 years since I embarked on my #365Savasana Project (which I wrote about at the time for…

Joyful & Open: A Late Autumn Yin & Yoga Nidra Workshop

Saturday 10 November | 2.00pm to 4.00pm | £25 Join me for this upcoming seasonal workshop at Embody Wellness in Vauxhall. In Chinese Medicine there are Five Elements that are central to nature’s cycles and are reflected in the cycles of our bodies. They are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, and each element is connected…

Restorative Yoga for Depression

Restorative Yoga for Depression Workshop – Saturday 25th November 2017 2.15-4.15pm at Embody Wellness   Depression can impact our entire being. What we think about, how we feel, how we behave, all altered as dperession creates a state of dysrgeulation in the nervous system. On a physiological level, the whole body, including the respiratory, digestive,…

Wall Yin: Squat

{WATCH} In this short video filmed at Evolve Wellness Centre in South Kensington I show you how to do a yin Wall Squat. This is one of my favourites for stretching the hips and easing lower back tightness. If sitting in a squat feels tricky for you, give this version a try. – Start by…

Weighting: Savasana – Restorative Yoga for Anxiety

{WATCH} RESTORATIVE YOGA FOR ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION – WEIGHTING THE BODY Did you know that weighting poses has the capacity to be soothing for people with depression or lethargy, while for those with anxiety it can feel grounding? I first came across this during my first training with Judith Hanson Lasater in 2012. I have…

Yin Yoga for Runners: Reclining Leg Stretch

In this short video filmed at Embody Wellness in Vauxhall, I show you how to do one of the poses I found helpful during my training for the Brighton Half Marathon a couple of years ago. (TIP – Do you have a tendency to hyperextend your knees? I do. To avoid this, you will see…

Supported Bridge into Supported Shoulderstand

This is one of the restorative poses we regularly practice during the second half of SLOW FLOW YOGA – Mondays 6.30-7.30pm reCentre Health in Balham. In this short video filmed at reCentre I show you how to do this restorative inversion with the aid of a bolster and a yoga belt. Here, the sacrum (directly below…

Winter Solstice Gong Bath & Yoga Nidra

Sunday 18th December 2-4pm at reCentre Health, Balham Join us for this special Winter Solstice workshop – an afternoon of soothing sounds and complete relaxation for the mind and body The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year as we transition from Autumn to Winter and is a time for reflection and rebalancing…

Do You Struggle to Sleep? Try This

Paula’s Yoga Nidra for Sleep – Audio Download available Do you struggle to get to sleep? practice I have recorded to help you drift off to sleep more easily.  This is best listened to in bed as this nidra does not wake you up at the end so allows you to remain asleep after the…