Rest + Calm is here

The nurturing, practical guide to finding rest and calm – even when it feels impossible

“This gem of a book is a guide to powerful practices for rest, reflection, self-care and the tending of community. The insight it contains is not a luxury, but a physical, emotional and spiritual imperative.” – Bo Forbes, Psy.D., psychologist, somatic educator, and author of Yoga for Emotional Balance


My new book Rest + Calm: Gentle yoga and mindful practices to nurture and restore yourself (published by Green Tree, Bloomsbury Publishing) is out now.

Packed with advice, numerous practices and support, Rest + Calm is your gentle guide to making space and time to come back home to yourself.

Do you find it hard to give yourself permission to pause? This book will show you how – whether you only have time for three breaths or a five-minute rescue posture, or can practise for half an hour. You’ll reap the rewards in sounder sleep, happier relationships, better boundaries and improved resilience.

Find out more about Rest + Calm here.

And order your copy here.