New Year, New Column

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind start to 2012 so far. In some ways I can’t quite believe we’re only just past halfway through January.  I feel as though I’ve easily crammed at least a month’s worth of work into the last 17 days!

One of my new writing experiences for 2012 is being a columnist for OM Yoga & Lifestyle Magazine.

I will still be charting my experiences here on the blog. But now once a month I will also be writing about the realities of getting started with teaching and finding my way, post YTT, in a new column following the first year of a new teacher.

Among the feelings of excitement at reaching the milestone of graduating from YTT were all sorts of questions about what to do next.  For instance, is it a good idea to set up your own class or just look for work at studios or gyms when starting out?  Is it normal to still feel nervous before teaching a class?  Various queries about the business aspects of being a teacher, and so much more.  As I talked to other teachers, new and experienced I realised that I was not alone – that these questions and feelings when one is just beginning are completely normal.  With this in mind, I pitched this idea to Martin, the editor and he said yes!

So, if you would like to follow my progress via the column, you can find the first one on p. 114 of the Jan/Feb issue out now.


  1. Jennifer @ Flowtation Devices on 17/01/2012 at 10:36 pm

    Congratulations on the gig! Looks like a cool magazine, but way too expensive for a U.S. subscription! 🙂

  2. Jan 14th – 20th | YIOM Site on 20/01/2012 at 5:00 pm

    […] Humble Yogini herself has a new column she’s excited to share with […]

  3. Julia on 10/02/2012 at 11:45 am

    congradulations paola!! look forward to reading the column!!

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